Control validity directives and components for Angular forms.
Project & README | Demo | Demo Source Code | Documentation
npm i @nowzoo/ngx-form --save
Import the module...
import { NgxFormModule } from '@nowzoo/ngx-form';
imports: [
ReactiveFormsModule, // or FormsModule
export class AppModule { }
Use the directives and components...
The ngxControlValidity directive is the wrapper.
It's required for the other components and directives to work.
Also, it expects to find an NgControl (ngModel or a reactive control) inside.
It will fail silently if no NgControl is found.
<div class="form-group" ngxControlValidity #emailValidity="ngxControlValidity">
<label for="reactive-demo-email">Email</label>
ngxControlInvalidClass and ngxControlValidClass add
the Bootstrap 'is-invalid' and 'is-valid' classes
to the control element.
Both are optional.
class="form-control form-control-lg">
show the error for a key...
<ngx-control-error key="required">Required.</ngx-control-error>
<ngx-control-error key="email">Invalid email.</ngx-control-error>
show that the control is valid...
<ngx-control-success>That's a valid email!</ngx-control-success>
ngxControlValidity exposes a
validity$ observable that you can use
elsewhere. This is one of:
- "hidden" (don't show the validity)
- "invalid"
- "valid"
<small class="form-text text-muted">
Validity: {{emailValidity.validity$ | async | json}}
You can control when validity is shown
with the showValidityOn input for ngxControlValidity.
Valid values are:
- "touched" (when the input has been blurred, the default)
- "dirty" (when the input has been changed)
- "always"
This controls the behavior of all the components
and directives wrapped by the ngxControlValidity
<div class="form-group"
showValidityOn="dirty" #tosValidity="ngxControlValidity">
<div class="form-check">
<label class="form-check-label" for="reactive-demo-check">
I agree to your onerous terms of service.
<ngx-control-error key="required">You really must agree to send us Junior.</ngx-control-error>
<ngx-control-success>That's just great! We're sure Junior will enjoy work in the salt mine.</ngx-control-success>
<small class="form-text text-muted">
Validity: {{tosValidity.validity$ | async | json}}
Clone the main repo and npm install...
git clone
cd ngx-libs
npm i
The library files are in projects/ngx-form
The demo code is in projects/ngx-form-demo
Building the library...
ng build ngx-form
Testing the library...
ng test ngx-form
To test with Wallaby, use the wallaby.js
config at the root of the project directory.
Serving the demo...
# make sure you've built the library locally first with ng build ngx-form
ng serve ngx-form-demo
Please submit issues to the main repo here.