
Router-based breadcrumb and window title components.

Project & README | Demo | Demo Source Code | Documentation

Quick start

npm i @nowzoo/ngx-crumbs --save

Import the module...

import { NgxCrumbsModule } from '@nowzoo/ngx-crumbs';
  imports: [
export class AppModule { }

Add breadcrumbs to your route components using ng-template and the ngxCrumb directive. The content of the crumb can be dynamic...

<ng-template ngxCrumb>Dynamic: {{counter}}</ng-template>

To have the crumbs automatically update the window title, add the NgxCrumbsWindowTitleComponent to your app component...


By default the window title component displays breadcrumbs in reverse order and limited to the first and last ones. You can change this with the showAll and reverse inputs.

<ngx-crumbs-window-title [showAll]="true" [reverse]="false"></ngx-crumbs-window-title>

To display Bootstrap-style breadcrumbs, use NgxCrumbsComponent...



Clone the main repo and npm install...

git clone https://github.com/nowzoo/ngx-libs.git
cd ngx-libs
npm i

The library files are in projects/ngx-crumbs.

The demo code is in projects/ngx-crumbs-demo.

Building the library...

ng build ngx-crumbs

Testing the library...

ng test ngx-crumbs

To test with Wallaby, use the wallaby.js config at the root of the project directory.

Serving the demo...

# make sure you've built the library locally first with ng build ngx-crumbs
ng serve ngx-crumbs-demo


Please submit issues to the main repo here.



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